I am currently teaching a small 5 week class at USM/OLLI on Our Glands, and how aging affects those glands. I looked for a book to read to refresh my memory, and found this...
Aroused: The History of Hormones and How They Control Just About Everything by Randi Hutter Epstein.

Don't get excited by the title (or go ahead and get excited). This is the story of the development of Endocrinology and it is NOT an textbook!!! This is a pleasant read. There are many case studies from as early as 1900, many stories of parents struggling to get hormonal treatment for their children in the early days (1960's), and advancements in
This book is worth your time, and you may find you do what I do...diagnose people as they walk past you in malls and airports.
Aroused: The History of Hormones and How They Control Just About Everything by Randi Hutter Epstein.

Don't get excited by the title (or go ahead and get excited). This is the story of the development of Endocrinology and it is NOT an textbook!!! This is a pleasant read. There are many case studies from as early as 1900, many stories of parents struggling to get hormonal treatment for their children in the early days (1960's), and advancements in
This book is worth your time, and you may find you do what I do...diagnose people as they walk past you in malls and airports.